Evaluation of mechanical bowel preparation in elective colorectal surgery in a single center study.
Background: Mechanical bowel preparation (MBP) is mechanically carried out earlier than colon and rectal surgery, aimed at decreasing the danger of postoperative infectious complications. However, in instances of penetrating colon trauma, fundamental colonic anastomosis has proven to be protected even though the bowel is not prepared. Mechanical bowel preparation is not necessary in elective colorectal surgery. Objectives: The aim of this study is to assess the Evaluation of Mechanical Bowel Preparation in Elective Colorectal Surgery in a single-center study. Methods: This is an observational study. The study used to be carried out in the admitted patient’s Department of Surgery Rajshahi Medical College Rajshahi Hospital, Bangladesh. In Bangladesh for the duration of the period from June 2013 to May 2014. Results: This study shows that the according to age of 80 patients aged 20-above 51 years where 4(10%) were 20-30 years, 10(25%) were 31-41 years, 10(25%) were 41-50 years, 16(40%) were 51 and above years in Group A, and 6(15%) were 20-30 years, 6(15%) were 31-40 years, 13(32.5%) were 41-50 years and 15(37.5%) were 51 and above years in Group B. And 28(70%) were males and 12(30%) were females in group A. And 27(67.5%) were males and 13(32.5%) were females in group B. Conclusions: Mechanical bowel preparation earlier than elective colon and rectal surgical treatment cannot stop problems like anastomotic leakage, wound infection, intra-abdominal sepsis, abdominal abscess, and more abdominal complications. The colorectal surgical method can be executed safely barring mechanical bowel preparation.
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