A retrospective study of morphological and physiological pattern of severe anaemia in children of age group 6 months to 12 years in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital of Maharashtra.
Background: Anemia is a very common hematological disorder in pediatric age group. In India and other developing countries, incidence of nutritional anemia is as high as 60- 80% of the childhood population.
Anemia occurring during infancy affects the physical and neurological development of the child. It exposes the infant to the risk of infection which aggravates anemia so that there is a vicious cycle of anemia, infection, anemia. This can be prevented if anemia is detected early and treated properly. This study, was conducted to evaluate the factors causing anemia in children aged between 6 months to 12 years of age.
Material and methods: The retrospective study was conducted in Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni over period of two years from September 2015 to September 2017. Patients between the age group of 6 months to 12 year admitted with anemia and hemoglobin <7g/dl were included in the study. Previously diagnosed hemolytic anemia was excluded from the study. The hemogram, PBS and Retic counts were compared and studied.
Results: Out of the 300 children enrolled in the study, 238 had Nutritional Anemia, and remaining had Hemolytic and anemia due to other causes. Both, the cases with Nutritional Anemia and Hemolytic Anemia have Microcytic Hypochromic picture, but are differentiated on the basis of Reticulocyte counts, as high retic counts are characteristic of Hemolytic Anemia.
Conclusion: Nutritional Anemia are more common and aggressive action at Anganwadi and schools for supplementation of Iron and Folic Acid along with Vitamin B12 can prevent it. Also severe complications, and hospital admissions can be reduced if proper Nutritional advise is given.
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Abhay Prakash, Ashutosh Kumar, Seema Awasthi, Shyamoli Dutta, Ankita Mittal. Clinicopathological Pattern of Anemia in Children in Age Group Upto 18 Year. Int J Med Res Prof. 2018 Jan; 4(1):262-65. DOI:10.21276/ijmrp.2018.4.1.05