Socio-Demographic and Occupational Factors in Benign Mucosal Vocal Fold Lesion
Background: Benign mucosal vocal fold lesions are common disorders in our Otolaryngology department. Most of the patient presents with changes of voice quality ranging from voice hoarseness to voice weakness. Fibre optic laryngoscopic diagnosis of benign mucosal vocal fold lesion was taken from a sample population in this study. Vocal fold nodules were the commonest benign mucosal vocal fold lesion (46%); followed by vocal fold polyp (32%), thickened vocal fold (9%), keratosis (4%), multiple papilloma (3%), vocal fold cyst (3%), Reinke’s edema (2%), contact ulcer (1%). Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out at the Otolaryngology department of the Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH), Dhaka for a period of six (06) months from 222nd June, 2014 to 211st December, 2014 on patients who had undergone fibre optic laryngoscopy (FOL) examination inpatient and outpatient department. Patient who was diagnosed with benign mucosal vocal fold lesions by FOL and gave informed written consent was included in this study. Results: The total number of first hundred cases has been taken in this study. The study population was comprised of (65%) male and (35%) female. A male preponderance with a male to female ratio of 1.8:1 was observed. Majority of the patients were in the age group of 21-30 years. The youngest patient was 12 years and the oldest was 72 years of age. The average age of male subjects (37.34 years) was significantly higher compared to that of females (33.76 years). Majority of the vocal fold pathology were vocal fold nodules (46%), followed by vocal fold polyp (32%), thickened vocal fold (9%), keratosis (4%), multiple papilloma (3%), vocal fold cyst (3%), Reinke’s edema (2%), contact ulcer (1%). Among the study subject’s majority were housewife (19%), followed by service holder (18%), Garments worker (7%), student (9%), agriculture workers (8%), teacher (7%), hawker (5%), Imam (4%), business man (5%), salesman (3%), lawyer (2%), birth attendant (2%), unemployed (2%), singer (1%), engineer (1%), beggar (1%) and nurse (1%). Conclusion: It was found that people of different occupations, ages and both sexes, were suffering from benign mucosal vocal fold lesions. Early diagnosis of the lesions can lead to effective management and good recovery. As such, the standard treatment of choice in benign vocal fold lesion consist of triad of approach that includes microlaryngeal surgery, voice rest and vocal rehabilitation.
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