Allelic frequency and genotype distribution of ABO and Rh blood group among students in the major tribal communities at Gambella Teachers Education and Health Science College, Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. 2021

  • Kak Chuol Lecturer, Department of Biology, Gamnbella University, Ethiopia
  • Dr. Wendawek Abebe Associate Professor of Genetics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • Dr. Zelalem Gebremariam Associate Professor of Genetics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • Dr. Surender Reddy. P Professor, Dept. Of Public Health, Gambella University, Ethiopia
  • Dr. Harshitha Pulluri Resident, Dept. Of Emergency Medicine, Medicover Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
Keywords: Allelic, Agglutination, Blood group, Ethnic groups, Genotypic


The distribution of blood groups was different from place to place and may not be found similar even among same ethnic groups. Frequency distribution of blood groups is important for modern medicine, genetic research, anthropology, ancestral relations of humans and forensic science. Aim of this study was to determine the allelic, genotypic, and phenotypic frequency distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among students in Gambella region of Ethiopia. For1000 Blood samples from five major tribal communities, blood groups were determined by agglutination method using commercially available anti-sera A, B, and Rh (D). Hardy-Weinberg equation was used to calculate percentage of the observed and expected allelic genotypic frequency. In the ABO system, majority was type O (48%) followed by A (25%), B (21%) and AB the least frequency (6%). In Rh system, majority were Rh+ (95.3%) and the rest were Rh-(4.7 %). The allelic frequencies of O (IO), B (IB) and A (IA) were 0.691, 0.171 and 0.144, respectively. While allelic frequencies of the Rh blood group of D and d were 0.783 and 0.217, respectively. Genotypic frequencies of OO, AA, AO, BB, BO, and AB were 0.477481, 0.029241, 0.236322, 0.020736, 0.199008 and 0.049248 respectively. While the genotypic frequency of DD, Dd and dd were 0.613089, 0.339822, and 0.047089 respectively. This study gives baseline information regarding the management of blood bank and transfusion services in the community. Large sample size with different areas is recommended to make strong generalizations.


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Author Biographies

Kak Chuol, Lecturer, Department of Biology, Gamnbella University, Ethiopia



Dr. Wendawek Abebe, Associate Professor of Genetics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia



Dr. Zelalem Gebremariam, Associate Professor of Genetics, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia



Dr. Surender Reddy. P, Professor, Dept. Of Public Health, Gambella University, Ethiopia



Dr. Harshitha Pulluri, Resident, Dept. Of Emergency Medicine, Medicover Hospitals, Hyderabad, India




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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2023.10.3.699
Published: 2023-06-20
How to Cite
Chuol K, Abebe W, Gebremariam Z, Reddy. P S, Pulluri H. Allelic frequency and genotype distribution of ABO and Rh blood group among students in the major tribal communities at Gambella Teachers Education and Health Science College, Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia. 2021. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2023Jun.20 [cited 2024Oct.22];10(3):128-52. Available from:
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