Profile of Hepatic Dysfunction in Dengue Patients of Western Rural Maharashtra
Background of the study: Dengue fever is benign syndrome caused by several arthropod-borne viruses. It is transmitted to human by bites of infected female Aedes mosquitoes . Levels of transaminase are raised; a higher increase in SGOT than SGPT suggests dengue rather than other virus infections.
Aim and objectives:To correlate the serum aminotransferase levels in patients with dengue infection with dengue serology, presenting to the pediatrics department of Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni.
Material and methods : This descriptive longitudinal hospital-based study was conducted from January 2022 to October 2022.
Results :A total of 100 patients were included in the study who were having dengue fever. The patients included were 1 to 12 years of age.Maximum number of patients were seen in the age group of 1-5 years.Included 64 males and 36 females, with male to female ratio was 1.7:1.
Conclusion: As this study and statistics points out that there is a significant association with biomarkers such as SGOT & SGPT; as that patients under careful supervision and management can able to prevent them from progressing to severe dengue. As early alterations of these biochemical markers can predict progressing to SEVERE DENGUE in patients with acute fever caused by dengue.
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