Role of prophylactic antibiotic of single dose versus multiple doses in uncomplicated groin Hernia Surgery

  • Dr. Md. Arshad Ali Registrar, Department of Surgery, Prime Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. Sazedul Islam Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, Prime Medical College & Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. Mohammad Salauddin Omar Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Prime Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. M. H. Mahmud Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Prime Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. Anjana Sarker Registrar, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prime Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. Farzana Hoque Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Prime Medical College & Hospital, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
Keywords: Open inguinal herniorrhaphy, surgical site infection., surgical site infection, prophylactic single dose antibiotic


Background: Surgical site infection is the most common complication encountered in inguinal hernia (IH) surgery. Antibiotic prophylaxis for groin hernia surgery may limit wound infection. However, there is a debate to use in general. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare the effect of prophylactic single dose versus multiple doses antibiotic in uncomplicated groin hernia patients were admitted in a tertiary care hospital. Methods: This randomized clinical trial was conducted for twenty-four months in the department of Surgery of Rangpur Medical College and Hospital. A total of 132 patients with uncomplicated groin hernia were included after considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants. Ethical clearance was obtained before beginning of the study from the ERC. Detailed history was taken and clinical examination was done. Patients were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received antibiotic prophylaxis of single dose and Group B received multiple doses antibiotic. Patients were followed up at 3rd and 5th postoperative day and surgical site infection was evaluated by ASEPSIS scoring system. Statistical analyses of the results were be obtained by using window-based Microsoft Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-24). Results: The mean age of the patients was 48.94±10.04 and 50.26±10.37 years in group A and B accordingly. Male predominance was observed in both groups A and B. Age and gender was statistically similar in both groups. Surgical site infection was significantly high among patients who received multiple doses antibiotic (9.09% Vs 6.06%). Group A patients were discharged comparatively early than group B patients with statistical significance. Mean hospital stay was also longer in group B patients than group A patients (3.93±1.41 days Vs 3.34±1.41 days). Conclusion: Present study findings indicate that surgical site infections could be reduced by using a prophylactic single dose antibiotic prior to surgical treatment for uncomplicated inguinal hernia. But before finalizing the comment, further larger study is recommended.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2023.10.6.709
Published: 2023-12-22
How to Cite
Ali MA, Islam S, Omar MS, Mahmud MH, Sarker A, Hoque F. Role of prophylactic antibiotic of single dose versus multiple doses in uncomplicated groin Hernia Surgery . Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2023Dec.22 [cited 2025Mar.7];10(6):282-91. Available from:
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