Clinicoivestigative profile of hypernatremic dehydration in neonates in rural hospital of Maharashtra

  • Dr. Onkar Jaykumar Dang Post graduate student, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, PIMS-DU, Lo-ni, Maharashtra, India.
  • Dr. Prashant Nigwekar Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, PIMS-DU , Loni, Maha-rashtra, India
Keywords: hypernatremic dehydration, neonates, Clinical Investigation


Aims and objective: To study clinicoinvestigative profile of hypernatremic dehydration of neonates admitted in Dr. B. V. P. Medical College Loni

Introduction: Hypernatremic dehydration is a medical emergency which adversely affects central nervous system and kidneys, resulting in high mortality and morbidity, especially in neonates. Neonates are typically affected within the first 2 weeks of life, with those born in hot summers to primigravida mothers with insufficient lactation being particularly prone. Clinical features are usually nonspecific, including weight loss, hyperthermia, irritability, lethargy, hyperbilirubinemia, poor oral intake, oliguria, seizures, and/or shock.

Method: This 18-month study involved 200 neonates admitted to the paediatric department of DR,BVVP Medical College, Loni, with a diagnosis of hypernatremia. It was an observational, descriptive, longitudinal investigation.

Results: The male to female ratio among the 200 patients was 1.2:1. Of the cases, 65% belonged to babies whose mothers were primigravidae, indicating that hypernatremia is more common in these mothers (P<0.0001***). Hypernatremia is more common with LSCS mode of delivery than vaginal birth (P<0.0001***). According to the study, there is a higher incidence during the summer (60%) compared to the monsoon (8%) and winter (32%; p<0.0001***).


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2024.11.2.717
Published: 2024-06-12
How to Cite
Dang OJ, Nigwekar P. Clinicoivestigative profile of hypernatremic dehydration in neonates in rural hospital of Maharashtra. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2024Jun.12 [cited 2025Mar.31];11(2):43-9. Available from:
Original Research Article