Incidence and Risk Factors for Pneumonia and Diarrhea in Children under 5 in a Secondary Care Hospital

  • Dr. Mohammad Ismail Hossain Jr. Consultant, Upazila health complex Matlab Uttar, Chandpur, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Md Nasiruzzaman Senior Consultant, Department of Pediatric, OSD (Additional) Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Dr. A. K. M. Abu Syed Matlab (Uttar) Upazila Health Complex, Chandpur, Bangladesh
  • Dr. Md. Jainul Abedin BDS (Dhaka Dental College), BCS(Health), MCPS (Dental Surgery), FCPS(Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery), Junior Consultant, Matlab (Uttar) Upazila Health Complex, Chandpur, Bangladesh
Keywords: Prehabilitation, Joint Arthroplasty, Physiotherapy, Postoperative Complications, Functional Outcomes, Patient Recovery


Background: Pneumonia and diarrhoea are two of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, particularly in children under five years of age, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Both conditions are preventable and treatable, yet they remain significant health issues globally.

Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for pneumonia and diarrhea in children under 5 in a secondary care hospital.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in the Upazila health complex Matlab Uttar, Chandpur, Bangladesh, during January 2023 to December 2023. A total of 150 patients were participated in the study. Among them 60 were pneumonia patients (Group-A) and 90 were patients with diarrhea (Group-B). Statistical analyses of the results were be obtained by using window-based Microsoft Excel and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS-24).

Results: The age distribution of the study population revealed that (53.33%) of patients in group A were between the ages of one month to one year, while (53.33%) in group B. In addition, 6.66% of the patients in group A were between the ages of 3 and 4 years old, while 10% were in group B. In group A, the bulk of the patients were male (63.33%), while group B had 51 (56.66%). There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the groups.

Conclusion: The need for targeted interventions to improve vaccination coverage, nutritional support, and sanitation practices to reduce the burden of pneumonia and diarrhoea in young children. Strengthening primary healthcare systems to provide early detection and management of these conditions is also essential in mitigating their impact.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2023.10.5.732
Published: 2024-10-17
How to Cite
Dr. Mohammad Ismail Hossain, Dr. Md Nasiruzzaman, Dr. A. K. M. Abu Syed, Dr. Md. Jainul Abedin. Incidence and Risk Factors for Pneumonia and Diarrhea in Children under 5 in a Secondary Care Hospital. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2024Oct.17 [cited 2024Oct.26];11(5):180-8. Available from:
Original Research Article