Efficacy and Safety of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction: An Observational Study
Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent ailment that significantly impacts one's quality of life. An effective regenerative treatment for the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms of ED is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Assessing PRP therapy's effectiveness, safety, and patient-reported results in mild to moderate ED was the goal of this study.
Objective: to evaluate how PRP treatment for mild to moderate ED affects patient satisfaction, safety profile, and erectile function.
Methods: This 12-month prospective observational study was carried out at Ashiyan Medical College Hospital. The study included 60 male patients with mild to moderate ED. One month apart, two intrapenile injections of PRP therapy were given. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores were used to assess erectile function at baseline, one, three, and six months. Additionally, adverse events and patient satisfaction were evaluated.
Results: PRP treatment significantly improved erectile function; at 6 months, the mean IIEF score increased by +5.1 points over baseline (p < 0.001). 60% of participants said they were satisfied with the therapy, and 70% said they had seen improvement. According to subgroup analysis, patients with lower BMIs and no hypertension had better results. With only minor side effects like mild pain (16.7%) and hematoma (5%), PRP therapy was well tolerated and did not result in any significant complications.
Conclusion: PRP therapy offers notable and long-lasting enhancements in erectile function with a high level of patient satisfaction, making it a safe and effective option for mild to moderate ED. PRP appears to be a promising restorative treatment based on these findings. It will take more randomized controlled trials to confirm these findings and investigate long-term advantages.
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