• Dr. B. N. Kalpana Chief of Vitreous retina services. Minto Eye Hospital. Bangalore.
  • Dr. P.C. Kailash Post graduate student. Minto Eye Hospital, Bangalore
  • Dr. Mohammed Sadiqulla Fellow-vitreo retina. Minto Eye Hospital, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Samhitha Post graduate student. Minto Eye Hospital, Bangalore
Keywords: Pneumatic Retinopexy, Retinal detachment, Cost-effective


Aim: To study the effectiveness of Pneumatic Retinopexy for Retinal Detachment in the South Indian population.

Materials and Method: A Retrospective analysis of medical records of 34 patients who underwent pneumatic retinopexy as per standard clinical guidelines over 3 years from January 2010 to December 2013 at a tertiary eye care hospital in South India. After appropriate positioning post-operatively, the anatomical and functional outcomes of the procedure were analyzed and the causes of failure identified.

Results: A superior detachment was noted in 51.4% of cases with a mean 5.57 clock hours of detachment. The primary anatomical success rate defined by attachment of retina was recorded in 82.4% cases increasing to 96.2% with additional injection(s). A functional success defined by improvement or stationary visual acuity postoperatively was recorded in 67.6% and 17.6% cases respectively. There was no statistically significant difference in the outcome (functional or anatomical) with the gas used or retinopexy performed.

Conclusion: Pneumatic retinopexy is an effective treatment for the primary management of retinal detachment with comparable outcome rates. It has been found to be of especial value in young patients having fewer clock hours and superiorly located detachments. Being cost-effective and having a relatively lower complication rate combined with the high anatomical and functional success, it should be used as the primary treatment modality in carefully selected patients.


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How to Cite
Kalpana BN, Kailash PC, Sadiqulla M, Samhitha. PNEUMATIC RETINOPEXY FOR RETINAL DETACHMENT IN SOUTH INDIAN POPULATION. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015May20 [cited 2025Feb.23];2(2):235-42. Available from:
Original Research Article