Assessment of psychiatric co-morbidities in patient of interstitial lung disease attending a tertiary medical centre

Assessment of psychiatric co-morbidities in patient of interstitial lung disease attending a tertiary medical centre

  • Dr. Komal Lohchab Assistant Professor, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, SN Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Dr. Sanjeev Anand Assistant Professor, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, FH Medical College, Tundla, Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Dr. Ankit Mehrotra Assistant Professor, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, Varun Arjun Medical College, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Dr. Gajendra Vikram Singh Associate Professor, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
  • Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Gupta Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, S.N. Medical College, Agra
  • Dr. R Aravind Junior Resident, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
  • Dr. Santosh Kumar Professor and Head, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, S.N Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
  • Dr. Amirul Haque Junior Resident, Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, S.N. Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Keywords: co-morbidities, psychiatric, lung disease


Aims and Objectives: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a diverse group of conditions that are characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the pulmonary parenchyma. In general, ILD is chronic and progressive diseases that result in substantial morbidity and mortality. The cardinal symptom of ILD is dyspnea; however, other pulmonary and extra-pulmonary symptoms are often present [1]. ILD is a common respiratory illness, in which some of the disease-related factors may increase the vulnerability to psychiatric disorders. This study was done to determine the prevalence of psychiatric co-morbidity in patients of ILD.

Methodology: It is an observational study conducted in 110 follow-up patients of Interstitial lung disease attending respiratory medicine OPD at a tertiary care center in central India. Psychiatric comorbidities are assessed by a pre-designed short structured questionnaire using Mini international neuropsychiatric interview.

Result: Among 110 patients of ILD 28% had psychiatric co-morbidity mainly depressive episodes (59%). A significant association is found between upper socioeconomic status (P =0.01), duration of active illness (more than 1 year) (P =0.001), and age of patient between 40 to 60 years (P =0.001) with psychiatric co-morbidity of ILD patient.

Conclusion: Our study shows there is an increased prevalence of psychiatric co-morbidities in patients of ILD, higher than the national average. The predominant psychiatric disorder seen is depressive disorder, so treatment of ILD should be a multidisciplinary approach including medical treatment of ILD and psychiatric evaluation to prevent psychiatric comorbidity or its early management. This will greatly reduce the morbidity, visits to hospitals, expenditure on treatment and thereby having better outcomes in our patients of ILD.


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How to Cite
Lohchab K, Anand S, Mehrotra A, Singh GV, Gupta AK, Aravind R, Kumar S, Haque A. Assessment of psychiatric co-morbidities in patient of interstitial lung disease attending a tertiary medical centre: Assessment of psychiatric co-morbidities in patient of interstitial lung disease attending a tertiary medical centre. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2020Sep.6 [cited 2025Mar.15];7(4):163-9. Available from:
Original Research Article