• Badria Awad Elamin Mustafa College of Radiologic Sciences and Nuclear Medicine, The National Ribat University
  • MEM Garelnabi College of medical radiologic Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology
  • Sharaf Elgizouly Mohamed Director and consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Sharg Elneel Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan
  • Mohamed Yousef College of medical radiologic Sciences, Sudan University of Sciences and Technology
  • Salah Mohamed Abdulrahim Associated Professor, PhD in Diagnostic Radiology, Khartoum University
  • H. Osman Taif University-Faculty of Applied Medical Science, KSA
Keywords: Characterization of knee joint, Circumference of knee joint and BMI


The aim of this study was to characterize knee joints changes in the Sudanese population using plain x-ray, in order to comprehend the potential pathological changes that might appear in the plain x-ray film also to calculate the bone size for artificial knee joint before surgery. A total of 257 symptomatic knee joints were enrolled in this study,106 showed no change in the x-ray film ‘normal’, (56 male and 50 female), 151 showed a change of knee joint in the plain x-ray (55 males and 96 females).Their age range from18 to 78 years. In this study also study found that the mediolateral femur measurements for a male is equal to 6.4 ±1.03 and 5.9± 0.7 for female and the mediolateral tibia measurements is equal to 6.8 ± 0.9 for male and 6.3 ± 0.6 for female. These differences were significant at p=0.05 using the t-test with t=2.62 for males and t=3.07 for females and p=0.04 and 0.02 respectively. The mediolateral femur and tibia measurements were significantly correlated with the height and circumference of the knee, as well these measurements were correlated significantly with the artificial femur and tibia size. Also this study found that the diagnosis = [(TL2X×0.86) + (FL1X×-0.29) + (TW3X×0.63) + (TL1X×0.38)] – 5.85. To identifies the normal for symptomatic cases where the result =1, the patient was normal otherwise patient was affected.


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How to Cite
Mustafa BAE, Garelnabi M, Mohamed SE, Yousef M, Abdulrahim SM, Osman H. CHARACTERIZATION OF KNEE JOINT CHANGES IN SUDANESE USING PLAIN X-RAY. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2015Apr.20 [cited 2025Mar.7];2(2):258-62. Available from:
Original Research Article