Peer Review Policy

Efficient Manuscript Review Process at Medico Research Chronicles

At Medico Research Chronicles, we prioritize a thorough and objective review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the manuscripts we receive. Our aim is to provide a high-quality, unbiased assessment while maintaining strict confidentiality.

Triage and Screening Editor Review

Upon submission, each manuscript undergoes initial screening by our Triage/Screening Editor. This evaluation focuses on assessing the originality of the work, methodological suitability, and identification of any potential plagiarism. Manuscripts that meet the journal's scope and exhibit satisfactory content proceed to the next stage.

Objective Peer Review

To ensure the highest standards of peer review, we adopt a double-blind process. The selected manuscripts are assigned to a minimum of two reviewers who possess relevant expertise. Both the authors' and reviewers' identities remain concealed throughout the review process, fostering objectivity and impartiality.

Reviewer Response and Manuscript Evaluation

The assigned reviewers are given one to two weeks to provide their feedback on the manuscript. Afterward, the Editor considers the reviewers' comments for further examination. The average time required for manuscript evaluation under standard submission is approximately 1-2 weeks. The reviewers' comments play a crucial role in determining the manuscript's fate.

Publication Decision and Author Notification

Based on the reviewers' feedback, the Editor decides whether to accept the manuscript for potential publication, request revisions, or reject it. If the manuscript is rejected, the author is promptly informed. Accepted manuscripts may undergo minor or significant revisions as suggested by the reviewers. The revised version is then reviewed to ensure it meets our publishing ethics criteria.

Editorial Workflow and Inappropriate Content

Our editorial workflow allows the Editors to reject manuscripts that are deemed inappropriate in terms of content, insufficient coherence, or factual inaccuracies in the results. We uphold rigorous standards to maintain the quality and integrity of our published articles.

Join Our Reviewing Community

We invite academicians and researchers who are interested in reviewing articles to join us on Publons. By joining our reviewing community, you can contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge. Visit our Publons page at:

Experience the Efficient Review Process at Medico Research Chronicles

At Medico Research Chronicles, we are committed to providing a fair, transparent, and efficient manuscript review process. Submit your research to our journal and benefit from our rigorous peer review system, ensuring the credibility and impact of your work.

Please note that all communication regarding your manuscript will be conducted in English.