• Parvin Taghizadeh MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
  • Hiva Azami MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
  • Khadije Chale Chale MSc of medical surgical nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
  • Shadi Khakpoor MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
  • Maryam Janatolmakan MSc of medical surgical nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
  • Fatemeh Rostami Bsc of Nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
Keywords: Stroke massage, reflexology massage, anxiety, complementary therapies


Background: Today, the use of complementary medicine alongside other treatments for relaxation and balancing Hemodynamic of cardiac patients is emphasized. So this study was to compare the effects of reflexologic massage and strokes massage on anxiety in patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Methods: This clinical trial was done on105 patients who were randomly selected purposively on three groups, stroke massage, reflexology massage group and control group. In the intervention groups each patient massaged in the morning and evening for 15 minutes a day, each time. In the control group other than routine care and measure of anxiety we do not massage them. In the intervention group before the massage anxiety in morning and evening Twenty minutes after the Massage, measured by Spiel Berger Anxiety questionnaire.

Findings: In intervention group between reflexology and stroke the anxiety was reduced with (P<0.005). Stroke massage reduces anxiety more than reflexive  massage. In control group there are no significant differences in anxiety in morning and evening.

Conclusion: According to the results, strokes massage more effective than reflexology massage in reducing anxiety. So use it to reduce the anxiety of the patients in critical care wards recommended.


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How to Cite
Parvin Taghizadeh, Hiva Azami, Khadije Chale Chale, Shadi Khakpoor, Maryam Janatolmakan, Fatemeh Rostami. COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF REFLEXOLOGIC MASSAGE WITH STROKE MASSAGE ON ANXIETY IN PATIENTS WITH MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 1 [cited 2025Feb.23];3(1):133-8. Available from:
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