• Khadijeh Chaleh Chaleh MSc of medical surgical nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
  • Hiva Azami MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
  • Parvin Taghi Zadeh MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
  • Soheila Abdollahi Bsc of Nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
  • Leili Safari Bsc of Nursing, Kermanshah University of medical sciences, Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah, Iran
  • Shadi Khakpoor MSc of critical care nursing. Kermanshah University of medical sciences. Imam Reza hospital. Kermanshah. Iran
Keywords: Mammaplasty, self-esteem


Background and Purpose: One of the goals of surgery mammaplasty pursues women to increase their self-esteem. Because breast, ideal size and shape for women is dependent on the structure of individual and cultural characteristics of each community, So our findings in this study indicates a positive or negative impact of the surgery on self-esteem of women in the Statistical Society studied, and it can be very helpful. The present study aims to investigate the self-esteem of women before and after mammaplasty in hospitals in Kermanshah Province was performed in the year (2013).

Research method: This research is a descriptive-comparative study with the participation of 100 women who were undergoing surgery was performed Mammaplasty. In order to collect data from the two individuals questionnaire and Rosenberg self-esteem. Women filled the questionnaires before surgery, and two months after surgery.

Findings: Of the 100 women surveyed, the average self-esteem, preoperative 18.77, and 17.96 was after surgery Paired t-test based on this difference was not statistically significant.(p>0.05) . Also in the demographic profile female employment status, and predict a better-looking, expression (0.19) changes to the act of self-esteem (p>0.05). In addition, demographic characteristics, duration of marriage, female education, employment status woman, wife and children, explain (0.42) changes women's self-esteem after surgery, which is statistically significant. (p<0.05)

Conclusion: Mammaplasty surgery to increase women's self-esteem has no significant impact.


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How to Cite
Khadijeh Chaleh Chaleh, Hiva Azami, Parvin Taghi Zadeh, Soheila Abdollahi, Leili Safari, Shadi Khakpoor. COMPARISON OF SELF-ESTEEM OF WOMEN BEFORE AND AFTER MAMMAPLASTY SURGERY IN HOSPITAL IN KERMANSHAH PROVINCE YEAR (2013). Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2017Aug.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];4(04):454-60. Available from:
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