Oral and Maxillofacial Myiasis: A Literature Review
The term “Myiasis” refers to the invasion of tissues and organs of animals and humans by the dipteran larvae. The infestation leads to gross destruction of vital tissues. Oro-maxillofacial myiasis is a rare and unique condition due to the abundance of vascularity of the region and the fact that the oral cavity is least conducive to the growth of larvae and completion of their lifecycle. The disease is more frequent in under-developed countries with hot humid climate. It is associated with debilitating medical conditions, poor oral hygiene, malignancy, alcoholism, suppurative lesions and mainly with unhygienic and poor living conditions. It can be diagnosed solely on clinical examination due to the presence of larvae. This article focuses on etiopathogenesis, clinical features and treatment modalities of oral and maxillofacial myiasis.
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