Coronal approach for Management of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma: A case report and Literature Review

  • Nadia Nadia Fernandes
  • Vikas Dhupar
  • Francis Akkara
  • Neha Chodankar Goa Dental College and Hospital, Bambolim Goa
  • Nuyu Kime
Keywords: Coronal approach, access, craniomaxillofacial trauma


The coronal approach with its modifications is considered to be the most versatile approach for skull and midface surgeries. It was first proposed by Tessier and since then has been used in head and neck trauma and reconstructive procedures. It gives the best aesthetic outcome since the surgical scar is hidden within the hair line. Although it has gained great momentum given its range of access to the forehead and most of the upper midface, it has certain drawbacks. We present a case of a patient with frontal bone fracture secondary to trauma where a coronal approach was used for internal fixation of fractures. This article also gives a brief description about the surgical procedure, merits, demerits and clinical application.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2022.9.4.608
Published: 2022-08-17
How to Cite
Nadia Fernandes N, Dhupar V, Akkara F, Chodankar N, Kime N. Coronal approach for Management of Craniomaxillofacial Trauma: A case report and Literature Review. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2022Aug.17 [cited 2024Nov.11];9(4):237-42. Available from:
Case Report