• Meena Shah Research Scholar of Yoga Samskrutham University, Florida, USA
  • Dr Chandra Shekhar Yoga Samskrutham University, Florida, USA
Keywords: vitality in oil, human body, Vitality


In spite of the fact that in western culture yoga is, for the most part, viewed as a type of activity, numerous types of yoga are simply mental or profound practices. Raja Yoga includes both body and psyche, however, the accentuation is on mental and profound advancement. Its motivation, as per its forebear, the Indian sage Patanjali, is to join the professional with the higher self. Among their own positions, experts of Raja Yoga view themselves as "saints of mind preparing." In Sanskrit, the word raja signifies "ruler," or one who has accomplished selfauthority, while the word yoga itself signifies "association" or "association." Having started as ahead of schedule as 300 B.C., it was polished by real lords, most remarkably the eleventh century King Bhoja, who composed a broad and persuasive discourse on it. The human body utilizes the sustenance we eat to give adequate vitality so as to play out a wide range of work. Essentially, vitality implies the ability to do work. Work is one of the types of vitality, regularly called mechanical vitality. Vitality exists in an assortment of different structures in nature, for example, the light vitality of the sun, atomic vitality in uranium, electrical vitality in lightning storms, warm vitality in flames, and substance vitality in oil.


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How to Cite
Meena Shah, Dr Chandra Shekhar. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DYNAMIC PSYCHO NEUROBICS & RAJYOGA MEDITATION. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2018Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(6):485-9. Available from:
Original Research Article

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