A study of hematological profile and outcome in neonates born to mothers with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in a rural tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra

  • Dr. Kevin Shah Junior resident, Department of Pediatrics, Dr.B V P Rural Medical College, PIMS-DU, Loni
  • Dr. Bhushan Deo Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, PIMS-DU, Loni
  • Dr. Jayashree P Jadhav H.O.D and Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Dr. B V P Rural Medical College, PIMS-DU, Loni
Keywords: Open inguinal herniorrhaphy, prophylactic single dose antibiotic, surgical site infection


Aims and objectives: To study the hematological profile and outcome of neonates born to preeclampsia and eclampsia mothers in rural tertiary care hospital.

Materials and methods: This was a hospital based descriptive type of cross-sectional study in Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni. It was carried out over a period of 1 year that is from September 2022 to September 2023.All neonates born to preeclampsia and eclampsia mothers being admitted in Dr.B V P Pravara Rural Hospital were included in the study.

Babies born with Congenital malformation and those born to mothers with other problems like rhesus incompatibility, severe anemia, renal disease, heart disease, and connective tissue disease were excluded from the study.

Results: In the present study 65% of babies were preterm, 34% of babies were more than 37 weeks, 54.5% of babies were born via normal vaginal delivery 45.5% of babies were born via cesarean section,15 % of babies have thrombocytopenia, 6 % of were <1kg birth weight,14% were in 1-1.5 kg range,79 % were in >1.5 to 2.5 kg range.

Conclusion: Babies delivered to hypertensive mothers are more likely to experience a variety of difficulties, it is important to closely monitor these infants to reduce morbidity and promote better growth, development, and survival.


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DOI: 10.26838/MEDRECH.2023.11.1.710
Published: 2024-02-02
How to Cite
Dr. Kevin Shah K, Deo B, Jadhav JP. A study of hematological profile and outcome in neonates born to mothers with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in a rural tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2024Feb.2 [cited 2025Feb.23];11(1):01-5. Available from: https://medrech.com/index.php/medrech/article/view/696
Original Research Article