A Study of Maternal Risk Factors and Investigative Profile in Neonatal Polycythemia in a rural tertiary care hospital in western Maharashtra
Aims and objectives: To Study the Maternal Risk Factors and Investigative Profile in Neonatal Polycythemia.
Materials and methods: This is hospital based descriptive longitudinal prospective study in Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni. It was carried out over a period of 1 year that is from September 2022 to September 2023. All neonates with venous hematocrit >65% or venous hemoglobin concentration of more than 22g/dl were included in study. Neonates with venous hematocrit <65% and Neonates with dehydration are excluded from the study.
Results: The most common maternal risk factor observed was PIH(52.3%) followed by GDM(19.7%), Multiple pregnancy(5.8%) and APH(4.6%). In the present study, we observed that most of the symptomatic babies presented with Hypoglycemia(82%), 75% babies presented with Jaundice.
Conclusion: So, babies with maternal risk factors like Hypertension, Diabetes, APH and Multiple Pregnancy should be actively screened. As most common laboratory anomaly is hypoglycemia in polycythemia babies it is important to closely monitor these infants in an effort to reduce morbidity and promote better growth, development, and survival.
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