• Rajesh Kumar Mishra Research Scholar of Yoga Samskrutham University, Florida, USA
  • Dr Chandra Shekhar Yoga Samskrutham University, Florida, USA
Keywords: Psychoneurobics, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, meditation, breathing, asana, shavasana, pranayama, RESPeRATE, biofeedback


The way of life adjustment is a foundation of hypertension treatment, yet most suggestions as of now center around eating regimen and practice and don't consider pressure decrease techniques. psychoneurobics is a profound way that may lessen circulatory strain through diminishing pressure, expanding parasympathetic actuation and changing baroreceptor affectability; in any case, in spite of existing audits on psychoneurobics and cardiovascular ailment, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and tension recommending psychoneurobics may decrease pulse, no far-reaching survey has concentrated on psychoneurobics and hypertension. An efficient audit of every single distributed investigation on psychoneurobics and hypertension was performed uncovering 39 associate examinations, 30 non-randomized controlled preliminaries, 48 randomized controlled preliminaries and 3 case reports with spans running from multi-week to 4 years and including an aggregate of 6693 subjects. Most examinations announced that psychoneurobics adequately decreased circulatory strain in both normotensive and hypertensive populaces. These examinations propose that psychoneurobics could be a successful extra treatment for hypertension and deserving of incorporation in clinical rules, yet the extraordinary heterogeneity of psychoneurobics rehearses and the variable nature of the exploration makes it hard to suggest an explicit psychoneurobics practice for hypertension. Future research needs to concentrate on high caliber clinical preliminaries alongside concentrates on the instruments of activity of various psychoneurobics rehearses.


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How to Cite
Rajesh Kumar Mishra, Dr Chandra Shekhar. IMPACT OF PSYCHONEUROBICS ON HEALING HYPERTENSION. Med. res. chronicles [Internet]. 2018Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];5(6):522-7. Available from:
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